TU Ilmenau Humbold Bau


Modellfolgeregelung für die Trajektorienfolgeregelung von nichtlinearen Systemen

TU Ilmenau
Informatik und Automatisierung
2023 - 2025
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Bewilligungssumme, Auftragssumme
207.513,00 €


For this project we consider the trajectory-tracking control problem for nonlinear systems. A contrc,,ller is to be devised such that the considered process follows a user-commanded trajectory even when the process is subject to disturbances and model uncertainties. In particular we shall consider a typical scenario where the trajectory is not known a priori and is only provided during the process run-time. Therefore a suitable feedforward control cannot be computed prior to the process initialisation. For typical, state-of-the-art approaches for trajectory-tracking the desired trajectory has to fulfil certain requirements (e.g. differentiability requirements). The aim of the approach taken is to reduce or even drop all such requirements. We base our analysis on the so-called model-following control scheme. The feedforward is generated by a closed-loop system consisting of the process model and a controller to simulate a reference system behaviour at run-time. Disturbances and model uncertainties are compensated by a second, so-called process controller. Most available studies of this approach consider linear approximations of the process dynamics in the model control loop. We consider nonlinear systems in Byrnes-lsidori form. Using the nonlinear model in the model control loop, we can generate a pair of control and output signals that.is a solution of the nominal nonlinear dynamics also in case when the originally desired trajectory does not fulfill this requirement. The project aims at the impact of such approach with respect to robustness and systematic manipulation of the internal dynamics. While the focus lies on the theoretical and structural investigation of the approach, some typical applications shall be considered in order to underline practical aspects to be considered and to obtain quantitative results. Furthermore, the obtained results shall be implemented on experimental test-rigs available at the group's laboratory for experimental validation.
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